Our Menu
Veggie burger in brioche
with red lolo rosso salad, guacamole, pickled eggplant, grilled zucchini, crispy halloumi and vegan mayonnaise with fresh salad garnish 350g
BGN 17.90
Falafel bowl
with fresh salad, onion & roasted sesame and sunflower seeds sauce 350g
BGN 22.90
Ризото с тиква
маскарпоне и пармезан. 350g
BGN 21.90
Ризото с манатарки
рижика, маскарпоне и пармезан. 350g
BGN 22.90
Salmon fillet
with arugula, small capers, celery leaves, dill, parsley, almonds, pumpkin and sunflower seeds 350g
BGN 31.90
Roasted sea bass
with fresh salad 500g
BGN 17.90
Fried calamari
with j lemon dressing 250g
BGN 26.90
Брускети с домашно осолена сьомга
и мус от сирена. 4бр
BGN 21.90
Салата с нахут
карфиол и сос шери, с рукола, черни маслини, маринован червен лук и стафиди. 350g
BGN 16.90
Summer salad
with tomatoes, garlic, walnuts, basil, soft-boiled egg and homemade mousse with cow and sheep cheese 350g
BGN 17.90
Tabbouleh salad
with bulgur, mint, spring onion, parsley, cucumbers, cranberry, sunflower seeds and lemon 300g
BGN 16.90
Tuscan salad
with tomatoes, eggplant, blue cheese, red onion, arugula, walnuts and blue cheesey arabic bread and safta 350g
BGN 19.90
Салата с чушки
домати, червен лук, мус от сирена и орехи. 350g
BGN 18.90
Салата с круши, микс салати
меден дресинг, орехи и гриловано козе сирене 350g
BGN 19.90
Салата Цезар
с гриловано пиле, айсберг, крутони, спанак, пармезан и цезар сос. 350g
BGN 20.90
Салата от кореноплодни
с моркови, целина, микс ряпа, зелена ябълка и магданоз. 350g
BGN 12.90
Салата с цветно зеле
и със слънчогледови семки. 350g
BGN 12.90
with gremolata and arabic bread 250g
BGN 14.90
Chicken liver and sage paté
with cognac, sage, butter, green apple, arugula and vegan crackers 150g
BGN 15.90
Homemade tarama spread
garnished with cucumbers, dill and vegan crackers 150g
BGN 15.90
Three types of hummus
chickpeas, spinach, zucchini and arabic bread 350g
BGN 16.90
Crispy fried chicken sandwich
with tomato, iceberg lettuce and ranch sauce 400g
BGN 28.90
Aberdeen Angus Burger
with jalapeño, cheddar, tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, fries, bacon and homemade mayo. 350g
BGN 27.90
with beef, cheese, spicy harissa sauce and coleslaw salad 350g
BGN 28.90
Glazed pork ribs
with chimichurri, french fries and grilled corn 400g
BGN 23.90
Crispy fried chicken
with blue cheese dip 350g
BGN 23.90
Grilled chicken
with guacamole, backed halloumi, cherry tomatoes, fresh salads, crispy bacon & honey dijon mustard 350g
BGN 26.90
Aberdeen angus burger
with jalapeño, cheddar, tomatoes, iceberg lettuce, fries, bacon and homemade mayonnaise 350g
BGN 31.90
Телешки кюфтета
с хумус от боб и домашна туршия. 350g
BGN 23.90
Бавно печен глазиран свински джолан
с картофено пюре, грейви сос и хрупкав лук. 600g
BGN 28.90
Купа със свинско
с чили, бекон, масло, пеперончино, червен боб с червена и зелена чушка. 400g
BGN 25.90
Сандвич с дърпано свинско
с брьош, чедър, колсло и пържени картофи. 400g
BGN 20.90
Strawberry cheesecake
BGN 11.90
with strawberries, nectarines, mascarpone mousse, walnuts, honey and mint' 150g
BGN 11.90
Lemon tart
BGN 11.90
with cherries and ice cream 150g
BGN 11.90
Homemade ice cream
chocolate with orange, salted caramel and oreo 150g
BGN 11.90
Chocolate tart
with salted caramel 150g
BGN 11.90